The Simple and Powerful Truths of Homeownership

This article originally appeared on Noozhawk and is reprinted here with permission from the author.

This week I wanted to give my readers who are renters a simple reminder about all the reasons why homeownership is a good idea.

1. Paying off a mortgage over time: I think all renters can agree that it really hurts knowing you pay a large amount of money in rent every month and that you will never see that money again. Conversely, with most mortgages, a portion of your monthly payment is applied to reducing the principal balance itself and the other portion is an interest payment.

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How to Work Your Referral Database

Kat Hitchcock, agent with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties and member of the national REthink Council, is a huge believer that your database is the lifeline of an ever-expanding real estate business. In this vlog, she explains how to work your referral database to generate leads and reach new levels of success.

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Is It Time to Hire an Assistant?

By Andy Blake

A question I’m asked frequently is, “How do I know when it’s time to hire an assistant?”

As a real estate agent, it’s easy to get used to doing everything yourself; you work hard to cut costs and try to juggle it all. However, there is a point when too much work can burn you out and hurt your business. Here are a few things to take into consideration when trying to decide if it’s time to send for help:

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How to Hold a Successful Open House (And Generate Leads While Doing It)

By Dallas Eichers

Everyone seems to be looking for a magic wand to generate leads. Wave your wand once and buyers and sellers are delivered right to your office door. Of course, there’s no such thing and lead generation programs offer the next-best solution, though not all programs are effective and some are too expensive to be worthwhile. Don’t get me wrong: There are agents who are wildly successful using lead-generation programs but the majority of real estate professionals tend to throw money at systems with few results.

What’s an agent to do when looking to generate new leads and meet new people? The answer is simple: Hold open houses!

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Real Estate Agent Myths: Reality vs. TV

By Vanessa Patterson

There’s a big difference between what you see on TV and what it actually takes to make it as a real estate professional. Vanessa Patterson, agent with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices PenFed Realty, shares the real story of real estate … the one cameras won’t show you.

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Dear Fellow Real Estate Agent: Could you PLEASE Communicate?

By Jake Breen

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What to Know If You’re Just Starting Your Real Estate Career

By Josh Stephens

The time has come. You just finished another episode of Million Dollar Listing and decided that you are ready for a career change. You want to become a real estate agent. Why not? It looks to be easy, lucrative and a lot of fun.

However, the top 1% of real estate agents you see on television are not great examples of what it’s like for everyone in the industry, especially those in their first year as agents. In fact, the amount of people that fail within their first year in real estate far exceeds the amount of agents who succeed. The reasons for this vary but ultimately, it is because of the individual’s understanding about what it takes to be a successful real estate agent.

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Tips for Selling Luxury Real Estate

By Onie Bolduc

The key to selling luxury real estate is emotion. You must find out what is driving the desire for each individual buyer to make a luxury purchase. About 99% of the time, it’s emotion driving the purchase but it’s not the same emotion for each buyer.

Luxury, according to, is defined as “a material object, service, etc. conducive to sumptuous living, usually a delicacy, elegance or refinement of living rather than a necessity.” Something luxurious is something above a necessity and the desire to have this luxurious thing—whether it be a house, a piece of jewelry or a high-end car—is driven by emotion. 

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